Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week four: Color

During a Visa run to the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, I came across the funeral services for retired Bishop Samuel Ruiz in San Cristobal De Las Casas. The Bishop was a defender of indigenous rights and was a mediator in the peace talks between the Mexican government and the Zapatista rebels. He passed away Monday at the age of 86. People from Chiapas posted signs of prayers and blessings to the Bishop on the walls of the church. This week's challenge was color or something colorful, the churches down here are all colorful, at times all the color down here can be a bit overwhelming. - Josh

This might be almost too literal, but it came of its own accord. After my son was done coloring he started playing with his wind up robot trying to make it walk over the crayons. I thought it looked cool, and realized how it would fit the week's challenge after I shot it. --Alicia

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week three: Control

I must say I was pretty stumped on this one for awhile. The only thing that came to mind was getting access to a airport tower and being able to photograph the panels all lit up, but with all the security measures there was no way that would happen. As soon as I took this photo, though, I knew it would work for the challenge. I wish I would have captured more of his face, but I think his body language made up for it as you can see his trying his very best to control the kite and keep it from bombing. --Alicia

So it took me a few days longer to get this one down and I still don't think I really nailed it. This gent in the photo (or at least his hands) is a quality control worker at the San Lucas Mission's coffee processing plant. He "controls " which beans get to the next part of the cleaning process. Or at least makes sure the machine gets the right beans. Still unsure about this haha. - Josh
I sort of got lucky with this one.  I had a UTEP assignment to go take photos of robots being made.  The shot is far from perfect but I really like the expression that he's making while working.  He's trying to be in control??  -Niki

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week two: Joy

When I was a kid all I wanted to do was go outside and play, so it bring me real joy to see my daughter enjoy the outdoors as much as I do. She can hardly wait to be out the door and running in the yard with Ladybug trailing after her. --Alicia

As I was working on this mini photo essay about workers in La Democracia Market here in Quetzaltenago, I shot this photo of these two girls walking away from a food stand. They were laughing and joking about someone they saw in the market. I felt like this was the joy of sharing a good joke with a friend. - Josh

Week one: Electricity

I'm not quite sure if this is the best representation of electricity, but since the source of light (scentsy candle) was powered by electricity I thought it fit the bill of the subject. --Alicia

Ok so I think this might be cheating a little since Im not sure if I shot this last week or the week before, but hey I'm just starting this challenge. The electricity here lights up the truck like a bug lamp attracting people to the glorious chicken that is grilled inside this wheeled kitchen. - Josh

So...I'm a little behind...  This is Scotty from the Las Cruces band The Liars at the Cane.  They are an amazing cover band and an awesome group of people.  I thought that he just seemed to be creating his own electricity through his music.  -Niki

Our purpose

We are three photo geeks who just want to keep growing as photographers so we decided to make this blog and post weekly photos we shot courtesy of We will post each Wednesday and yes we realize we are a week behind, but coordinating took a little longer than expected since we are in different cities (and one of us, ahem Josh, in different countries). We hope you enjoy our photographs and our comments. Please feel free to leave your own. We love feedback!
(Photo by Niki Rhynes)